Book Review: The Gifts of Imperfection

Title: The Gifts of Imperfection

Author: Brené Brown

Published By: Penguin Random House, UK

Release Date: 2010, 2020

Genre: Non-fiction, self-help

Format: Paperback

Length: 167 pages


New York Times best-selling author and professor Brené Brown offers a powerful and inspiring book that explores how to cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection to embrace your imperfections and to recognize that you are enough.

Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling us who, what, and how we should be. We are led to believe that if we could only look perfect and lead perfect lives, we’d no longer feel inadequate. So most of us perform, please, and perfect, all the while thinking, What if I can’t keep all of these balls in the air? Why isn’t everyone else working harder and living up to my expectations? What will people think if I fail or give up? When can I stop proving myself?

In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown, PhD, a leading expert on shame, authenticity and belonging, shares what she’s learned from a decade of research on the power of Wholehearted Living–a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness.

In her ten guideposts, Brown engages our minds, hearts, and spirits as she explores how we can cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough, and to go to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am sometimes afraid, but I am also brave. And, yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am worthy of love and belonging.



Oldie but goodie. 

I’m thankful for books that speak to you in moments where you really really need the words. The words may not be novel, but when they come in the form you need at that moment in your life, then it’s pretty special. THIS is one of those books. 

I literally finished this book in two sittings and learned so much from it. Even though it was first published in 2010, the wisdom and lessons in it are timeless.

I first heard about this book in a room on clubhouse which was full of book lovers from around the world. This was one of the recommendations someone gave when everyone was sharing their struggles with dealing with perfectionism, analysis paralysis  imposter syndrome and the likes.

I’ve learned valuable lessons in different aspects of life including on courage and compassion, living an authentic life, embracing imperfections, avoiding comparison, cultivating a heart of gratitude and tuning into my creativity. 

A lovely read in my books.

Check out other amazing non-fiction book recommendations on my youtube channel!👇🏽

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Hi there! I'm Rachel. I am a Lawyer, Blogger, Booktuber and Mental Heath Advocate. I am Passionate About Life's Amazing Lessons, Books, Psychology, New Discoveries And Everything In Between! ♥️

2 thoughts on “Book Review: The Gifts of Imperfection”

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