Okay I’m super excited about this. Can you tell?

I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing Bassey Ikpi, the author of the beautiful book, I’m Telling The Truth But I’m Lying and loved every second of it! I had previously done a book review of the book (which you can watch here) and the author commented on my youtube channel saying we could do a Q n A. Needless to say, I almost fainted from pure excitement!

From her book to mental health issues to Bassey’s journey with Bipolar II and Anxiety to Motherhood and mental health awareness in Nigeria, we had an amazing time discussing the book! Bassey was so open, real and honest in answering my questions!

I’m Telling The Truth But I’m Lying is such an amazing book that I recommend for every Nigerian, mental health advocate, Nigerians with mental health issues and everyone dealing with Biplolar II and/or anxiety.

You can watch the full interview by clicking on the video below.